The Path Unseen

  I walked a road, untrodden still,
Through valleys dark and Overhill,
Where winds did whisper ancient tales,
And shadows danced on weathered trails.

The sky above, a canvas wide,
Held stars that knew where secrets hide.
In every breeze, a voice would sing,
Of hope, of love, of everything.

Yet clouds would gather, thick and grey,
To veil the light, to mar the day.
The thunder roared, the rain would fall,
I stumbled, slipping through it all.

But in the mud, my hands found the earth,
A deeper place, a hidden worth.
For every storm that took the sky,
Had left a seed that once was dry.

I saw within, the strength to stand,
To rise again, to take command.
Though bruised and battered, lost and cold,
I found a fire, fierce and bold.

The mountains loomed, their peaks so high,
Their icy spires split the sky.
Yet in their grip, I saw my flight,
To touch the heavens, chase the light.

For every fall, a lesson learned,
For every loss, a victory is earned.
The path unseen, though harsh it be,
Had forged a stronger, wiser me.

The journey’s long, the road unkind,
Yet peace I carry in my mind.
For through the trials, the endless strife,
I’ve found the soul, the pulse of life.

And so I walk, with a steady pace,
No fear of storm or dark embrace.
For in my heart, I hold the key—
To rise, to soar, to always be free.


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